Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Sad Day

This is a picture for a bunny funeral we had not too long ago. One night we saw a little bunny in our garage, and tried for a very long time to get it out. The next morning when Andy pulled out of the garage it was there on the ground, barely breathing. The girls were DEVASTATED!! They would not let Andy put it out of its misery, because they were convinced it could be saved. Luckily for the baby bunny, it passed quickly. The girls spent the rest of the morning dealing with the tradegy of the situation.


Tadd & Linda said...

oh my heck, that is the saddest thing i've ever seen! Rebekah is so pathetic. Give her big hugs.

Todd said...

we had to watch that three times just to grasp the emotion that Rebekah is giving off. We are devastated and don't think we can get to sleep tonight. we now are also mourning the loss of the little bunny. SAD TIMES!!!!

We hear you might be coming this way next summer. Keep us posted, we would love to see you..

Mia said...

Oh man that little video breaks my heart! I hope the girls have gotten a little less sad about the bunny. Give them hugs for me.

Unknown said...

How sad, how are the lizards? What I want to know is was it a clean bunny. What did and what did Andy have to say about handling a wild animal.